Boundary County, Idaho Land Market Insights and Pricing

The value of all land and rural real estate for sale in Boundary County, Idaho, recently was approximately $46 million, representing a combined 1,147 acres of land for sale in Boundary County. Boundary County ranks 30th out of 44 counties in the Gem State for the total number of acres of land currently advertised for sale. Bonners Ferry featured the most land for sale. Boundary County is the 24th biggest county (1,278 square miles) in Idaho. It's located in the Northern Idaho region of the state.
89LISTINGS FOR SALE #1,712 of 3,218 Counties
$687,350AVERAGE LIST PRICE #1,882 of 3,218 Counties
29.2 acresAVERAGE ACREAGE #2,824 of 3,218 Counties
$35,070AVERAGE PRICE PER ACRE #653 of 3,218 Counties

Land for Sale in Boundary County

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