Litchfield County, Connecticut Land Market Insights and Pricing

A total of 6,000 acres were listed for sale in Litchfield County recently, representing a total value of approximately $533 million in Litchfield County land for sale. Based on the combined acreage of land and rural property for sale here, Litchfield County has the most land for sale of all counties in Connecticut. Torrington featured the most land for sale. Litchfield County is the largest county in Connecticut (944 square miles). It's located in the Litchfield Hills Connecticut region of the state.
577LISTINGS FOR SALE #371 of 3,218 Counties
$2,354,960AVERAGE LIST PRICE #346 of 3,218 Counties
46.2 acresAVERAGE ACREAGE #2,327 of 3,218 Counties
$85,775AVERAGE PRICE PER ACRE #152 of 3,218 Counties

Land for Sale in Litchfield County

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