Southern Classic Realtors
Athens, GA
Glenys Lopez Bergeron was born and raised in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. After high school she earned her bachelor s degree in psychology and moved to Manhattan, New York. After several years of living and working in customer service in the city, Glenys met Matthew, her future husband. They moved to Fayette County in 2012, where Glenys continued working in the customer service industry, which has always been close to her heart. In 2019, she started her cleaning business; this sparked her interest in housing market trends and different architectural styles. With the drive to do better for her family and her passion for helping and serving others, she realized that Real Estate was her way to give back to her family and the community. Speaking Spanish and English gave her the confidence to get into real estate and find her place. Alongside her passion for serving and helping her community, Glenys enjoys spending time with her family, she enjoys working out, going for bike rides, and of course, getting on the dance floor whenever the music calls!