Russ Wilkerson

Unique Southern Properties

Luverne, AL

124Total Listings
$18K - $1.9MPrice Range
0.44 - 588 ac0.44 ac - 588 acAcre Range
Last five years

About Russ Wilkerson

Russ was born and raised in the small town of of Petrey, Al centrally located between Montgomery, Troy, Enterprise and Greenville. He was raised on a row crop farm and poultry farm that also raised cattle.

Russ isan avid hunter and conservationalist. He owned and managed a large scale poultry farm for over 20 years. Russ has managed his own land, family land and numerous leases for wildlife for over 30 years.

Russ' knowledge in these areas and industries makes him a top realtor in his area. He specializes in recreational properties in the Patsaliga river basin and the famous Blackbelt region of Alabama. He also specializes in the poultry industry statewide.

Russ is also a national board member for the non-profit Outdoors Without Limits and travels throughout Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi helping men, women and children with disablities get outside and enjoy the great outdoors.

If you'relooking for a timber investment propertyhe also workswith local timber buyers and keeps up withthe ever changing timber market. Please give Russ a call to help you list and sell your property or if you're looking to buy a recreational or investment property.

Russ Wilkerson

Unique Southern Properties
(334) 508-5569

Listings by Russ Wilkerson