Own your own Mountain!This 111 acres already has power on site and multiple building areas for your family legacy dream home. The property has recently been timbered, which now allows for amazing unrivaled 360 views. See the sun come up and set each day from this property, and because the timbering is complete, you have been left with a perfect internal road system throughout the entire property. A well-groomed gravel road allows you to enter the property easily from the hard-paved county road, and this gravel road extends completely to the top of the mountain. The county taxes are very reasonable and the location is convenient to both Roanoke, Bedford and Smith Mtn Lake, again the views are flat out priceless!This property supports great hunting and recreational opportunities, and you would be hard-pressed to find better building sites. Perfect for a family subdivision!
GPS 3669 Mill Iron Rd Goodview Va- shared driveway. Always call agent bfr going