Old country store, unused for decades, store building facing highway contains lots of junk, good, bad, and indifferent, seller is removing some. Living quarters behind the store not inhabitable in present condition, maybe repairable with lots of work. Store buildng shows no signs of roof leaks, thats where everything is, Dearborne heaters on propane, some western horse stuff, some store equipment, maybe not operatonal, old furniture. Buy before he hauls off everything good. Horse pens and sheds south of building include hay barn. A real bargain if you like old stuff. Store entry is through living quarters. Historic rock water tank on North side of building.
From Meadow, Tx. 1 mile south of town, turn right, West on Tx. Hwy. 211 cross US 385, continue West 5 miles turn left, South om TX FM303 approximately 1 mile on right.