Located 1.5 miles northwest of Donovan, IL with road frontage on State Road 52. This property features 110.62 acres including 83 tillable acres and Poultry Operation. The poultry operation has a total of 143,000 bird capacity. Aviary Stack System houses, two are set up with free range areas and the third can be easily converted; two at 29,000 capacity and one at 41,000 capacity. Single Floor System, cage free; four houses at 11,000 capacity. Buildings are connected by foyers and the ability to transfer eggs to processing room. Poultry unity has been certified by Humane Farm Animal Care for free range usage.
Option 1: Owner is open to multiple division options.
Option 2:
Price: $1,300,000
Entire farm with 2 storage buildings located near the entrance, with the chicken barns removed. Seller is responsible for taking chicken barns down.
Option 3:
Price: $2,500,000
Property to be sold with all acreage and all current buildings.
1.5 miles northwest of Donovan on State Road 52