The Waccasassa Flatwoods West Tract, over 11 thousand acres of land in Levy County, is a premier timber investment opportunity. The property has been managed by several major timber companies over the past decades and features merchantable and pre-merchantable pine plantations, using seedlings from some of the South's premier tree nurseries and planted using state-of-the-art silvicultural methods on good site quality soils. Natural cypress and hardwood areas provide excellent wildlife habitat. A well-maintained road system provides access to all parts of the property for management and recreation, and connections to US 19/98, SR 24, and US 27Alt facilitate logging.
From US 19/98 and SR 24 intersection in Otter Creek, go north on US 19/98 for 1/2 mile to the first of 3 access points on 19/98 or go east on SR 24 for 1.3 miles to the first of 2 access points along SR 24.