Legal E1/2 26-11-41, Wallace County, KS. 323.21 acres excellent cropland. Wheat base 159.7 acres. Grain Sorghum 8.5 acres. Taxes $1593.28. Minerals in tact and go to the buyer. Can be bought separate for $808,025
Legal 28-11-41, Wallace County, KS. 508.47 acres cropland, wheat base 257.3 acres, grain sorghum 13.5 acres, Taxes $2445.60. Minerals in tact and going to the buyer. Can be bought separate for
Legal E1/2 30-11-41, Wallace County, KS. 312.88 acres with 215.42 DCP cropland and 97.46 acres in CRP for $35.66 per acre through 2031. Minerals in tact and going to the buyer. Can be bought separate for