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Auction Date: 12/05/2024 Auction Time: 11:00 AM CT
Auction Held At: Community Center, 322 Main St, Bancroft, NE 68004
Tract 1 Description:
All tillable, gently rolling farmland located at the edge of the Thurston/Cuming County line in Northeast Nebraska will be sold at auction. Well maintained gravel roads provide excellent access to the south and west edge of this property. There are multiple grain facilities close to this land. The tenant has used yearly crop rotation on this fertile soil. Farmland of this quality in this area does not come up for sale often. This could be a great addition to your current farm or as an investment with income.
Deeded acres: 118.2
FSA Farmland Acres: 115.69
Soil Types: Moody, Alchester, and Nora Silty Loam Soils
CRP Acres/payment: No CRP
Taxes: $6508.10
Lease Status: Open Tenancy for 2025 crop year
Possession: Immediate possession subject to current tenants' rights for 2024
Survey needed?: survey recorded
Brief Legal: E SW and NW SE S8 T24N R8E
PIDs: 002480003
Lat/Lon: 42.06271 -96.55295
Zip Code: 68055