Located directly Southwest of Overton with access of paved road 24B
Legal Description: Part of the Southeast 1/4 excluding 1.03 Acre tractor & 7.50 Acre Tract, & State Right-of-way in Section 24, Township 9 North, Range 20 West of 6th PM, Dawson County, Nebraska
About the Property:
The Dawson County Pivot Irrigated Farm features 119.94 acres according to the Dawson County Assessor. The farm features a pivot irrigated cropland with 110.22 certified irrigated acres in the Central Platte NRD. There is approximately 18 acres dry crop alfalfa and approximately 93 acres of irrigated crop land. Soils include Cozad Silt Loam, Wood Driver-Gayville Complex and Gosper Loam-Saline-alkali, & Silver Creek Silt Loam. The farm lays flat and has a drainage cell in the southeast corner of the farm. Farm has an electric submersible well.
The farm is currently leased for the 2021 year. Pivot system is owned by the tenant.
Base Acres: Corn 92.89, Soybeans 27.19. Enrolled in ARC Individual program
Well Information Per Registration: Drilled 8/9/1954, 925 GPM, 11FT Static, Pumping Level, 48FT, Depth 60FT, 8 Column. Well is a submersible.
2020 Taxes: $5,603.16
Price: $529,000 ($4,410 an acre)
Located directly southwest of Overton, NE