Sioux County, IA Farmland Auction
Upcoming Live/Online Public Farmland Auction Of 2 Tracts
Of Farmland In Lynn TWP, Sioux County, IA
These Farms Are Located North/Northwest Of Hospers, IA &
South/Southwest Of Sheldon, IA & Northeast Of Newkirk, IA!
Tract 1 Consists Of 77.06+/- Acres Of Farmland With A CSR2 Of 90.7
Tract 2 Consists Of 44.29+/- Acres Of Farmland With A CSR2 Of 83.9
Tract 1 Location: From the West edge of Hospers, IA go West on B40(400th St) for 2 1/2 miles to Kiwi Ave. then go 3 miles North on Kiwi Ave. to the farm OR from Newkirk, IA go North on Kingbird Ave for 3 miles to 370th St. then go 3/4 Mile East on 370th St. to the farm. Tract 1 is in the Southwest corner of the intersection of Kiwi Ave. and 370th ST.
Tract 2 Location: From the North edge of Hospers, IA go North on HWY 60 for 2 1/2 miles to the farm OR from Sheldon, IA go South on HWY 60 for approx. 3 miles to the farm. Tract 2 is in the Northwest corner of the intersection of HWY 60 and 370th St.
Auction To Be Held At The Site Of Tract 1.
Sale Date: February 11, 2025 10:30 A.M.
Auctioneers Note: We take great pride in presenting, on behalf of the heirs of John & Judith Solsma these two Sioux County IA Farms! Land in Lynn TWP is known to be some of the best land available in Sioux County, IA! If you are looking to invest in land for your operation or investment portfolio then be sure to attend this auction! Purchasing land is not just another investment, it is an investment in your familys future! Investing in land is a decision youll never regret!
Abbreviated Legal Description of Tract 1: The North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, TWP 96N, Range 43W, Sioux County, IA. Subject to all easements and public roads of record. To be surveyed.
General Description of Tract 1: According to the county assessor, this property contains 77.06+/- gross acres. According to FSA, this farm contains approx. 71.80+/- tillable acres. This farm has a corn base of 29.80 acres with a PLC yield of 159bu on corn and a soybean base of 27 acres with a PLC yield of 50bu. This farm is classified as NHEL. The predominant soil types include: 133-Colo, 810, B, B2-Galva, 91, B-Primghar, 310, B-Galva, 92-Marcus, P733-Calco, 78B2-Sac. The average CSR1 is 69.5. The average CSR2 is 90.7. This is a great opportunity to purchase a great tract of farmland in Sioux County, IA! This farm offers an excellent location with great access to multiple local grain elevators! This farm also has excellent soil ratings! If you are looking to purchase a farm for your operation or looking for a fantastic tract of Sioux County, IA farmland to invest in, then be sure to check out this farm! Make plans to join us at this auction to purchase this Sioux County, Iowa farm! This farm is leased for the 2025 crop year and the buyer will receive the full rent for 2025 at closing plus an attractive rent subsidy. Contact an agent for details!
Abbreviated Legal Description of Tract 2: The SW1/4 of the SW1/4 EXCEPT Parcel A AND the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 lying West of RR & HWY EXCEPT Parcel A, AND the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 lying West of RR & HWY Except Parcel A & Excepting A tract, All located in Section 23, TWP 96N, Range 43W, Sioux County, IA. Subject to all easements and public roads of record. To Be Surveyed
General Description of Tract 2: According to the county assessor, this property contains 44.29+/- gross acres. According to FSA, this farm contains approx. 34.32+/- tillable acres, which are currently enrolled in CRP until 9-30-2025. Buyer to receive the full 10-1-2025 payment which will be approx. $13,036.45. The remainder of the farm is in approx. 7.94 acres of trees and road and ditch. This farm is classified as NHEL. The predominant soil types include: 310B-Galva, 485-Spillville, 26-Kennebec, 309-Allendorf, 78C2-Sac, 474B-Bolan, 91B-Primghar, 308-Wadena, 133-Colo. The average CSR1 is 64.5. The average CSR2 is 83.9. This farm offers a fantastic opportunity to purchase a tract of Sioux County, IA farmland! Make plans today to purchase this tract of Sioux County, Iowa farmland!
Method of sale: Auction to be held at the site of Tract 1. Tract 1 will be sold first & then Tract 2 will be sold. Tracts will not be combined in any way. These farms will be surveyed prior to the auction and the final gross acres shall be adjusted based on the final gross surveyed acres. Final bid shall be times the gross surveyed acres.
Taxes: The current Real Estate Taxes according to the Sioux County Treasurer are approx. $2,334.00 per year on Tract 1 and approx. $1,122.00 per year on Tract 2. Seller will pay the 2024 taxes which are due and payable in March and Sept of 2025.
Possession: Buyer will receive landlord possession at closing on Tract 1 (Buyer will receive the full rent for 2025 at closing plus an attractive rent subsidy). Possession of Tract 2 will be given at closing subject to the CRP contract.
Terms: Purchaser (s) will be required to pay a non-refundable 15 % of the purchase price as earnest money deposit, and also agree to enter into a purchase agreement with the remaining balance due and payable on closing day which will be on or before March 24, 2025. Buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property on closing day. These farms are being sold as is as a cash sale with no finance contingencies and as is with any/all defects and encroachments if any. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. No warranties are expressed or implied. Any lines on maps and pictures are for informational purposes only and are not guaranteed to be actual boundary lines of the property. All buyers are encouraged to do buyers due diligence. Sellers do not warranty or guarantee that existing fences lie on the true boundary and any new fencing if any will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to IA statutes. Any announcements made day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Aerial maps, soil maps and auction booklets are available upon request. Buyer of tract 2 will be required to assume the CRP contract and abide by all terms of the contract. If buyer delays closing, penalties may apply. This Property is being sold subject to the confirmation of the sellers. Auctioneers and Real Estate brokers are representing the sellers. If any additional information is requested, please contact auctioneers listed below. Brad De JongAttorney for sellers.
John J. & Judith E. Solsma Revocable TrustOwner
Tract 1 Location: From the West edge of Hospers, IA go West on B40(400th St) for 2 1/2 miles to Kiwi Ave. then go 3 miles North on Kiwi Ave. to the farm OR from Newkirk, IA go North on Kingbird Ave for 3 miles to 370th St. then go 3/4 Mile East on 370th St. to the farm. Tract 1 is in the Southwest corner of the intersection of Kiwi Ave. and 370th ST.
Tract 2 Location: From the North edge of Hospers, IA go North on HWY 60 for 2 1/2 miles to the farm OR from Sheldon, IA go South on HWY 60 for approx. 3 miles to the farm. Tract 2 is in the Northwest corner of the intersection of HWY 60 and 370th St.
Auction To Be Held At The Site Of Tract 1.