GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY!!!! Located just 5 miles off State High 387/287 South of Lamar, Colorado north of Springfield Colorado. The properties consist of 510 acres CRP, annual income $22,046.00, CRP Contracts expires September 30, 2021. This property may be eligible for New general sign up starting January 4, 2021 thru February 12, 2021. 505 acres of expired CRP, this years, may be eligible for New General sign up or many of the other FSA Programs available. This property hasn't been chemically sprayed for 10 years and could also qualify for organic cropping.
Go South out of Lamar, Colorado on State Highway 387 to just past Prowers County line take right on County Road Pp to County Road 20 property starts on right and left side of the road. Road runs thru middle of property. For More details call Pat 660-341-4596