Harvey East Sunnyside Farm, Hot Springs County Wy.
Location: The East Sunnyside Farm is located 6 miles north of Thermopolis, Wyoming. This 131+- acre farm has 117 acres in the Lucerne Irrigation District, which is an irrigation project sourced in the Wind River Mountains with Boysen Reservoir as storage. Thermopolis is the county seat and has K-12 schools, a hospital, airport, and many business and downtown amenities. Boysen State Park, the Bighorn River, the Shoshone Forest and Yellowstone Park are nearby attractions.The Hot Springs are a destination for a lot of travelers.
Description: East Sunnyside Farm consists of 135+- acres with approximately 117 acres adjudicated in the Lucerne/Owl Creek Irrigation District. The farm sits near the Bighorn River, and adjacent to B.L.M. lands. It is surrounded by large farms and enjoys big open views of the Lucerne Valley and Owl Creek and Bighorn Mountains. The irrigated land has been used as a hay base and winter pasture. A paved county road provides access and it is about mile off Highway 20 North. Power, water, and internet are all on the property. The surrounding area is agricultural and is known for its high quality alfalfa hay.
Options: This farm is split by a County road and BNSF Railroad. The Seller is offering a choice of options tailored to the Buyers needs. It lends itself to being up to 4 different smaller irrigated parcels, all offering outstanding building envelopes for residence/farmsteads.
Irrigation: Water is supplied via a system of canals sourced from the Bighorn River that are under the management of the Lucerne Irrigation District. Water is delivered and billed through the district, as well as a portion assessed through taxes.. Boysen Reservoir is a large reservoir storing water for irrigation making it a very reliable system.The farm has two headgates where water is delivered and gated pipe and cement ditch is utilized for irrigation.
Agriculture: The farm has historically been hay with a small portion of sub irrigated pasture, with the bulk of the irrigation ground producing 2-3 cuttings of alfalfa and alfalfa/grass hay.
Wildlife and Recreation: The farm is near the Bighorn River, known for its great fishing and large numbers of waterfowl that migrate through. Deer and pheasant are especially plentiful. The Bighorn Basin is a destination for outdoor recreation from around the world. From wilderness and mountain climbing to world class hunting and fishing, the area is a world class outdoor playground.
Comments: The East Sunnyside Farm is in one of the more desirable areas of the entire Bighorn Basin. Land along the Bighorn Rivers southern corridor is highly desirable and scarce. This area has a small percentage of deeded lands and vast tracts of B.L.M. State, and Forest lands. The community is agriculture and tourism based and the area is known for its mild climate.
6 miles North of Thermopolis, 1 mile off Hwy 20 N on East Sunnyside Lane