The Landis South Tract consists of 137 acres located in Fairfield County, SC between Winnsboro and Lake Monticello. Over 70% of this property is in pine plantation that will soon be ready to thin for the first time. The remaining acreage is made up of mature hardwoods along Morris Creek and a powerline that runs 2,400 ft long. The Landis South Tract is accessed through a gated entrance under the powerline off Landis Rd. As you enter the property you will notice food plots all the way down the powerline. There are also multiple ATV roads leaded from the powerline to Morris Creek with food plots scattered throughout the woods.
Acreage Breakdown: 100 acres of 14 yr old pine plantation, 32 acres of hardwoods, 5 acres of powerline.
*This tract is a portion of a larger ownership*
From Columbia take SC-215 N/ Monticello Rd. Cross over I- 20 and continue on SC-215 N for 7.3 miles. Take a slight right onto SC-269 N. In 4.3 miles take a slight left onto Landis Rd. In 4 miles you will cross Morris Creek. The property starts at the northern end of the creek bank on your left and runs all the way to the adjacent side of Morris Creek Rd. Look for Advance Land and Timber signs.
Look for Advance Land and Timber signs.