If you are looking for beautiful ag, recreation, or home-building sites, this is a must-see property. Located in rural Richmond County, GA. This property features beautiful rolling fields and mixed pine and hardwood forest. There is extensive paved road frontage on three county-maintained roads. This property is in close proximity to the city of Augusta with all it has to offer. An airport, medical facilities, and several new schools are close to the subject property as well. These lots can be sold separately or bundled together.
Lot 14 64.020 Acres ($4,000/Acre) $256,080
Lot 15 74.616 Acres ($4,000/Acre) $298,464
From Hephzibah, GA at the intersection of Windsor Springs Road and GA. Hwy. 88. Travel East on GA. Hwy. 88 for 2 miles Then left on US Hwy. 25 (Peach Orchard Road) and travel 1 6/10 miles. Turn right on Brown Road and travel East 2 miles. Property is located on Brown, Old Waynesboro, and Liberty Church Roads.
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