Gridley Orchard For Sale!
Location: From Highway South of Gridley, CA. Go West on W. Evans Reimers Road. The property is 0.8 miles on the north side of the road. Its shown by appointment only! DO NOT TRESPASS!
APN#: Butte County APN#s: 021-200-021 & 021-170-012
Soils: The entire farm is comprised of primarily Class II Soils. Please review the attached soils map for more information
Water: The orchard has 2 irrigation sources. The property lies within Butte Water District and can be irrigated using district water. The current owners are irrigating using 2 irrigation wells:
Well#1: 30 HP is located adjacent to the Howard & Chandler Walnut Orchards
Well#2: 20 HP is located in the middle of the west Prune Block
The whole orchard irrigates in 3 sets via micro sprinklers.
12.5 Acres Chandlers on Paradox 2424 Spacing Planted in 2000
13.3 Acres Chandlers on Paradox 2024 Spacing Planted in 2008
12.0 Acres Chandlers on Maricopa 2020 Spacing Planted in 2021
5.0 Acres Chandlers on Paradox 2024 Spacing Planted in 2010
9.3 Acres Howards on Paradox 2024 Spacing Planted in 2003
13.82 Acres Independence on Nemaguard on a 2014 Spacing Planted in 2017
25.60 Acres Independence on Llovel on a 2014 Spacing Planted in 2021
23.50 Acres Independence on Nemaguard on a 2014 Spacing Planted in 2021
10.3 Acres of French Prunes on M40 on a 2010 Spacing Planted in 1979 Interplanted in 2017
3.9 Acres of French Prunes on M40 on a 1614 Spacing Planted in 2004
8.5 Acres of French Prunes on M40on a 2010 Spacing Planted in 1979 Interplanted in 2017
A 3 year yield history is available for qualified buyers upon request.
Oil, Gas, & Mineral Rights: The oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by the seller on the subject property will transfer to the buyer at the close of escrow.
Leases: There are no leases on the subject property.
Taxes: The property is NOT enrolled in the Williamson Act. The property taxes will be a little over 1% of the purchase price at the close of escrow.
Price: $4,868,201
Terms: Cash at the close of escrow
Comments: Large Butte County orchard for sale. This Gridley orchard offers a diverse set of crops which has been very important the last several years in the Sacramento Valley. Almonds, walnuts, and prunes have all had their years of being very profitable. This farm offers deep homogenous soils & great water! Please call Charter Realty for more info!
From Highway South of Gridley, CA. Go West on W. Evans Reimers Road. The property is 0.8 miles on the north side of the road. Its shown by appointment only! DO NOT TRESPASS!