2 Broiler Barns 43x500', built in 2016. Room for 2 more barns. Each barn is constructed with wood truss, drop ceilings, solid sidewalls, treated plywood interior walls, metal roof, concrete foundation,dirt floor, Sliding end doors, 100' kool-cell pads/side, 2 - 18 ton feed bins, Choretime 2 line, pan feeding system, nipple waterers (4 lines), controllers and back-ups, 9 - 57" tunnel fans and 4 - 36" exhaust fans, 1-48' exhaust, 10 tube heaters, electric winches,vent machines,etc. Auxiliary power is provided by 1 generator 250kw ), with auto transfer switch and fuel tank.
60x100 steel frame litter shed/equipment storage building built in 2016.
Current Tyson contracts.
From Campbellsville Bypass, turn onto KY-70 E. Go approximately 8.6 miles and destination will be on the right.
Contact Seller for Directions
Contact Seller
Ben Bolinger
Bolinger Real Estate & Auction - Hopkinsville, KY
Hopkinsville, KY
(270) 277-1612
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Listing provided by
Ben Bolinger
Bolinger Real Estate & Auction - Hopkinsville, KY
(270) 277-1612
Listing last updated: May 14, 2024 at 9:18 AM
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Ben Bolinger
Bolinger Real Estate & Auction - Hopkinsville, KY
(270) 277-1612
Hi Ben Bolinger, I found 26 acres in Taylor County, Kentucky on Land.com and would like to learn more about it. Thanks!