This farm is a dandy farmland investment for anyone looking to gain strong appreciation, and great cashflow from their next land purchase! It boasts nearly 104 acres in row crop production, with an average PI of 134.2. Another 44+ acres of farmland that is currently enrolled in various CRP contracts that is currently producing $10,627 per year, and still averages 122.2 PI. The remaining land includes a shallow ditch that is lined with some mature trees and brush, that offers good whitetail hunting or could potentially bring additional income through a hunting lease. Farm is currently owner-operated and will convey with open tenancy for 2025 crop year, although a leaseback may be a possibility if desired.
This farm is adjacent to another 4.4 acre listing which has a turn-key 2,400 head hog confinement facility that is being offered at a fraction of the cost of building new, without the hassle of permitting and site approval. This is an excellent opportunity to purchase a very productive farm, as a stand-alone acreage or paired with a lucrative hog facility. Located between Biggsville and Smithshire, IL.
Address: 1251 2000 E Biggsville, IL 61418
Bullet Points
* 103.8 acres of row crop with 134.2 PI
* Primary soil types: Osco and Muscatune silt loams
* 44 acres of CRP with 122.2 PI making $10,627, yr income
* Well maintained and cared for
* Good whitetail hunting, possible hunting lease income
* Located between Biggsville and Smithshire, IL
* Only 12 miles SW from Monmouth, IL
Chase Burns | Land Broker & Realtor
LandGuys, LLC of Illinois
Cell: 309-368-0370
Office: 217-899-1240
From Monmouth, IL on Hwy 67, turn west on Hwy 34 and go 9.1 miles to 2000E. Turn south and go 2.5 miles. Property is on west side of street.