If you are in the market for an excellent tract of land, come take a look at this one! This highly productive property has a center pivot and is located near numerous grain elevators and ethanol plants.
Legal Description Southeast 1/4 Section 17, Township 17 North, Range 6 West
Irrigation Information Located in the Tri-Basin Natural Resource District and has certified irrigation rights for 136.692 acres
Irrigation Equipment
-7-tower Zimmatic center pivot set up for 650 GPM
-Isuzu power unit with generator
-Fuel tank
-Well G-054471 drilled in January 1977, 670 gpm, 192 static level, 267 pumping level, 385 well depth
FSA Information
Total Cropland Acres: 150.76
Corn 122.1 Base Acres 161 PLC Yield
Total Base Acres 122.1
Share crop lease on the farm for 2024 season.
From Fullerton, travel north on Highway 14 to N. 490 Street. Turn west for 2 miles. The property is located to the northwest.