All offers to be presented by Thursday, October 10th
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Northwest Quarter (NW ) of Section Eleven, Township Five North (T5N), Range Nine West (R9W) of the 6th PM, Adams County, Nebraska, 159 acres +/-
DESCRIPTION: High quality pivot irrigated farm with level to rolling terrain, good soils, and strong underground water supplies.
SOIL TYPES: Hord & Geary Silt Loams
Farmland 155.26
Cropland 151.60
Corn Base 148.50
IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT: Center pivot owned by the tenant.
Well Registration G-018492 Completion Date 8/10/17 1,000 GPM-Well Depth 121, Static Water Level 34, Pumping Level 40.
Column 8
Farm is located in the Little Blue NRD & contains 151.60 certified irrigated acres.
TAXES: $10, 486.30 (2023)
POSSESSION: March 1, 2025.
From the intersection of Hwy 74 & Showboat Blvd (10 miles south of Hastings), 1.5 miles east & 1 mile south.