Acres: 160 Acres M/L
About: A combination farm with gravity irrigated cropland and pasture land. This tract is located southwest of tract 1 and 2. There are 63.17 certified irrigated acres and the cropland is mostly Holdrege Silt Loam soils. There is 21.1 acres dry cropland and the balance is pasture. In the northeast corner of the property, there are set of working pens. Water is supplied from the CPPID
Tri-Basin Certified Irrigated Acres: 63.17
CPPID Contracted Acres: 75 Acres at $34.96 per acre for first 9 annually
Base Acres: Corn 44.53, Soybeans 31.33, PLC Crop Program
2020 Taxes: $3,810.12
Legal: Northwest of Section 26, Township 8 North, Range 22 West
Price: $515,000
From Elwood, located 4.5 miles north on HWY 283, then 2 miles East on 747 Road, 1 mile south on 730 Road.