The property consists of 160 Deeded Acres (+-) with a total of 151.15 Acres of Cropland. 134.87 Acres are currently tillable with an additional 16.28 Acres enrolled in CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) with an annual payment of $3,137. The CRP contract runs through 9/30/2024. The balance of the acreage is in waste and roads.Property is under contract for the 2024 growing season. Buyer will recieve 2024 cash rent and CRP payment. Great investment property with Tillable Farmland and CRP for income. CRP acres consist of filter strips along the drainage ditches. Great grassland cover. Property has both tile drainage AND open drainage ditch for future drainage needs.
3 Miles South of Holloway, MN on Swift Co Rd #9, Then one Mile East on 80th St SW. Property will be on the South (right) side.