For Sale By BidsWritten bids will be received up to Tuesday April 1, 2025 @ 5 PM at the office of Farmers National Company, PO Box 368, Laurel, Nebraska 68745,or by email: . Sealed Bids will be opened with Seller on April 2nd @ 10:00 AM. At that time all bidders will be notified of what the highest bid is and offered a chance to bid higher until a final bid has been reached, at which time the sale will be concluded if a fair market value has been reached.Highest Bidder will become the Buyer and 10% earnest money will be due into the FNC office in Laurel, within 24 hours of conclusion of sale. At that time you will enter into a written contract.When you are contacted by the FNC Agent, we ask that you promptly be prepared to make another bid and/or know your bidding limits, this way we are able to keep the sale moving and not have everyone waiting lengthy periods. Our goal is to have a conclusion of the sale as soon as possible.Please be available on Wednesday, April 2nd @ 10 AM, when we will be opening bids and CALLING bidders. This sale may take up to 2 hours, but we strive to move this sale along as quickly as possible. Your help with this is greatly appreciated.Sale is not contingent on Buyers financing! Buyer is responsible for having all financing secured before bidding.Closing will not be delayed for financing unless Seller gives written agreement. Closing in APRIL 30th or sooner, full possession at closing.The land was tiled in 2021, and the proper paperwork was filed. In 2024, 15 tons of cattle manure per acre were spread.Please call for details about the pivot and possible well. A test hole was dug in March 2025 and water was found.Brief Description: The Renke system includes 10 tower pivots equipped with a 2016 John Deere diesel engine and an electric generator. It also features a 1,000-gallon fuel tank (fuel not included). The pivot can make a full circle and has a completely new sprinkler system and new tires.The system can be moved using an app on your phone.Additionally, there is a Rattlesnake Creek Windmill contract in place for access to the road on the southeast corner, valid until 2039.Property DirectionsFrom Highway 20, go south on Highway 9 to Allen. Then, take the dirt road, 870 Road, east for 1 mile to 586 Avenue. Go north for 1/2 mile. The land is on the east side of 586 Avenue.