The property consists of 7 parcels, totaling 142 acres +/-. There are approx. 86 acres of "wetlands" and 56 acres of uplands. Currently being used for cattle but the excellent soil is excellent for vegetables, sod and hay. There are two residential structures on site but of very little value, the value is in the land. You travel down a beautiful tree lined Clarence Lee Rd and the property begins at the gate. Excellent quail and duck habitat. Perfect for the family farm or small farming or cattle operation. Come view the stars in this beautiful piece of country. Located right on the Sumter/ Lake County line along Hwy. 50.
Take Hwy. 50 West from Mascotte/ Groveland area. Immediately after passing Marion Gardens Tree Farm, you will turn right onto Clarence Lee Rd. (a dirt roadway). Take Clarence Lee all the way to the gate which is the beginning of the property.