Will consider selling parcels separately, Contact us for details.
1,706 +/- Deeded acres ----- 1,389.8 +/- Water righted acres ----- 1,031 +/- Acres leveled for cultivation, of which 585 +/- acres are currently under pivot ----- 1,996.86 +/- acre feet of storage water in addition to adjudicated water rights.
Three separate yet closely located farm/ranch properties, each with excellent water rights, offer unlimited opportunity for income, investment, recreation, and more. Perfect setup for farming, ranching and recreation! Don't want to farm or ranch yourself? Lease the land, receive an income and visit for pleasure. Stay at the "end of the road" farm and enjoy the solitude of the beautiful outdoors while someone else does the work and provides you an income on your investment with no Wyoming state income tax. Enjoy hunting and landowner tags and process your own game in the walk-in cooler. Fly into the central farm and land on your own private airstrip, stay in the well-appointed living quarters and enjoy hunting on your own land. Work remotely from any of the three farm/ranch properties while someone else pays you to work your property. Bring your horses or four-wheelers and access BLM land directly from two of the farm/ranch properties for unlimited recreation. Visit Yellowstone National Park (yellowstonenationalpark. com) as a day trip. No need to stay at an expensive lodge when you have a home away from home of your own. Explore the magnificent beauty of the Big Horn Mountains (bighornmountains. com). Fish, raft, or simply enjoy the beauty of the Wind River Canyon (windrivercanyon. com). Cody, WY is nearby and offers dining and shopping. If you prefer shopping at larger brick and mortar stores, Billings, MT is a two hour drive and Montana does not have a state sales tax. For the hands-on owner, over 1,000 acres of farm ground will keep you plenty busy. But if it doesn't, there is plenty of room to put in a feed lot too. Have a partner but don't want to live on the same property but still be close enough to easily and economically utilize the same equipment? The combination of these three farm/ranch properties provides that opportunity.
-Three separate yet closely located farm/ranch properties in the Bighorn Basin of Northern Wyoming at an elevation of around 4,300'. Exceptional opportunity for a multi-family operation, but can easily be run with very little manpower. The entire operation is currently run by one and a half people, including tillage, seeding, spraying, harvesting, irrigation, maintenance/repairs, etc
-1,706 +/- Deeded acres on three separate farms in close proximity. 1,389.8 +/- Water righted acres. 1,996.86 +/- acre feet of storage water in addition to adjudicated water rights. 1,031 +/- Acres currently leveled for cultivation, of which 585 +/- acres are currently under pivot irrigation producing quality alfalfa. The remaining 446 +/- acres are currently sitting fallow while we focus on adding more pivots and making other improvements but is capable of being irrigated via gated pipe in the mean time.
-Excellent water rights, pivots are pumped from storage ponds fed by canal system.
-10 Minutes from central farm to East/West farms. 20 Minutes from East farm to West farm.
-3 Houses, one on each farm
-3 Shops, one on each farm
-Pivots: 7 pivots currently planted. Internet control on all pivots. 1 wheel line currently under construction. 5 additional pivots planned for future instillation, 2 of which are purchased and on site
-2,700' x 60' Private airstrip, dirt
-Pipe corrals
-2 of the farms border over a million acres of BLM
-Abundant wildlife on the farms- mule deer, whitetail, antelope, pheasant, chukar, grouse, partridge, sandhill crane, dove, ducks, geese, etc...
-Elk, turkey, and fishing 10 minutes away.
-40 minutes from Cody, WY. 20 minutes from Greybull, WY. 2 hours from Billings, MT. 2 hours from Yellowstone
-Photos of houses/shops available upon request
-Broker and 1031 cooperation
---Parcel #1 (east)---
-508 +/- Deeded acres. 501 +/- Water righted acres. 366 +/- Acres leveled for cultivation.
-Two 120 acre pivots, with mainline in place to put an additional 65+/- acres under pivot
-House: 3 bed 2 bath 1728 sq/ft mobile home converted to real property
-Shop: concrete floor, wood frame, metal siding 2000 sq/ft, insulated, heated
-Out Building: 3264 sq/ft
-Cross fencing
-Stock/irrigation Ponds
-City water, 3 phase power
-State Hwy Frontage
---Parcel #2 (west)---
-460 +/- Deeded acres. 366.33 +/- Water righted acres. 285 +/- Acres leveled for cultivation. 155 acres of that under two newer (2018) center pivots [one pivot in the process of being expanded to increase that total to 170ac]. 85 +/- acres currently set up to irrigate via gated pipe. And the remaining 30 +/- acres can be made ready to irrigate with minimal effort. Mainline and pump are also newer (2018).
-Private "end of the road" location
-House: 2,939 sq/ft 5 bed, 3 bath, 2 story home built in 2017, deck
-Garage: 945 sq/ft garage
-Shop: 1600 sq/ft shop, concrete floor, single bay
-Large cooled game processing room
-Nice 2 room garden/chicken shed with power
-Large fenced garden
-Irrigation Pond
-Pipe Corrals
-Fiber optic
-County road frontage, gravel
---Parcel #3 (central)---
-738+/- Deeded acres. 522.47 +/- Water righted acres. 380+/- Acres leveled for cultivation.
-New irrigation infrastructure. Too much info to list, just call us. 3 Pivots 185 +/- acres currently in alfalfa.
-House: Well-appointed 986 sq/ft living quarters in shop built in 2020, 1 bed 1.5 bath.
-Shop: 72' x 88', 6336 sq/ft Shop, 6" concrete floor with service pit, continuous drain, aprons, two 20' doors, one 18' door, insulated, heated.
-2,700' x 60' private airstrip, dirt
-Irrigation pond
-3 Phase power, fiber optic.
-County road frontage, paved
More/better organized photos available on our website: (CandeeFarms. com)
Local Info:
The town of Burlington, 10 minutes away, offers K-12 school, churches, post office, a service/tire/gas station, convenience store , pizza place, BBQ place, and apparently a beauty salon too (just realized it was there). Note: there is no coat factory, thats a different Burlington
Common crops grown in this area are: various types of hay including alfalfa, alfalfa seed, sugar beets, corn, malt barley, and beans.
Follow the yellow brick road.
Or... Drive to your nearest airfield, acquire a helicopter or small aircraft by any means necessary, navigate 29 nautical miles on a course of 107 degrees from the Cody VOR, or 31 nautical miles on a course of 309 degrees from the Worland VOR. Make left traffic for Rwy-03 if conditions allow.
Or maybe just call....