On the grid or off, your choice. Twelve outstanding deer-fenced acres, 1.16 mi from town center, with a custom 3080 sf home utilizing wood burls from Alaska, 675 sf log guesthouse with vacation rental permit, both overlooking the lake, a 600 sf studio with bathroom, 140 sf studio, 550 sf detached garage, 3200 sf multipurpose shop with walk-in cooler, Starlink internet, 46 solar panels with bank of huge batteries, automated back-up generator, 2000 gallons of underground propane storage, large fruit and nut orchard, commercial garden including mature blueberry and raspberry bushes, a greenhouse, large chicken run, and a 2 acre lake. Commercial opportunity and/or completely self-sustaining if needed or desired.
Garden is fully fenced and the posts are steel wool/vinegar treated. Includes eight 22 x 4 irrigated raised garden cedar boxes and over 30 irrigated beds.
Storage shed with workbench houses spare parts, tools, electric service and remote-controlled irrigation controller, and pumps in insulated space.
Chicken coop includes fully enclosed protected chicken run.
Green house includes power and irrigation.
Extensive plantings of perennial cut flowers, lilies, peonies, and David Austin roses. Several beds of fruits (blueberry, raspberry, gooseberry, currants).
Tree Food Forest with over 50 fruit trees and shrubs (apples, pears, plums, cherries, figs), irrigated and in Hugelkultur Garden Beds (does not need to be fertilized as 1/3 of the trees planted are nitrogen fixers).
Generator, 20k, brand new, maintained yearly, charges solar batteries and provides power to property. Power draws from OPALCO (electrical service) at night or as needed.
Property perimeter is fully deer fenced, posts from island wood milled on the island.
Large pond stays consistently full, has bluegill (bottom feeders) and bass (top feeders) and provides irrigation to the garden.
Electric entrance gate with bell/remote/voice panel.
Spring St, right on Lampard Rd, property on right.