Located just north of Wheaton near the Marshall and Pottawatomie County line, this multi-faceted production farm has tons to offer. Road access exists on the west and north sides with good all-weather roads and improved wide gates into the farm. There is exterior fencing around the entire property in fair to good condition except for a roughly 200-yard stretch bordering the 40 +/- acres that this property surrounds. Cross fences separate pastures in addition to keeping the farm ground separate from cattle. Currently, there are 34 +/- acres in crop production and alfalfa consisting of Class II and III soils. Terraces run throughout a majority of the rest of the pasture that was farmed in the past and also consist of Class II and III Wymore silty clay loam and Pawnee clay loam soils. At one time 120 +/- acres were being farmed that were converted to grass. A long-time tenant has farmed and stocked the property, but if purchased before the 2025 growing/grazing year, the land will be open for the buyer to operate. The owners have consistently improved and maintained the property over the years policing trees and brush through spraying and burning as is apparent with the quality of grass that exists on the farm. Two ponds along with a hydrant serviced by a rural water district provide water to the pastures with the ponds having dams rebuilt in 2020. Adjacent to the old home site, there are some corrals and pens for sorting which is where the hydrant is located. Two outbuildings can be found in the old farm yard; one an old grain barn and the other an open side 30’x56’ shed. An old trailer house was demolished in 2024 and the electric meter was removed but the water meter remains in place. Electricity runs along the north boundary of the property across the road. Aside from the tractor, rotary cutter, and UTV, all other personal property in and around the buildings will stay including a PTO sprayer, truck bed trailer, etc. With gentle terrain features, there are some beautiful build sites, but the well-established windbreak and old homesite area would be convenient to build as well. Friends have hunted the property in the past and the deer sign is apparent throughout. I flushed a healthy covey of quail while photographing the farm as well. With great views, a quality all-weather road, production potential, and an outstanding location, this is not one to miss! The farm is 3 minutes from Wheaton, 20 minutes from Westmoreland, and 20 minutes from Frankfort. Call Joey Purpura at (785) 831-3045 for maps, disclosures, or to schedule a showing.
Property Features
-174.4 +/- acres
-Near the Pottawatomie and Marshall County line
-Good all-weather road frontage
-Wide high-quality gates entering property
-Incredibly well maintained (tree/brush removal with spraying and burning)
-Roughly 34 +/- acres in crop production and alfalfa
-Balanced pasture
-Fenced and cross-fenced aside from a 200-yard stretch bordering adjoining Bennett property
-120 +/- acres used to be farmed before 1987
-Terraces throughout pasture
-2 ponds serving pastures and a hydrant near the farmyard
-Long-time tenant but if purchased before 2025 season the land will be open for farming/grazing
-Deer sign prevalent
-Quail seen on the property
-Old farmyard with 2 outbuildings and corrals/sorting pens
-Trailer house demolished in 2024
-30’x56’ open-side shed and a 30’x30’ grain storage barn
-Personal property included in sale EXCEPT rotary cutter, tractor, and UTV
-Electricity running along north boundary
-Water meter in place
-2024 Taxes $573.98
-Sections 9, township 6, range 10
-Great location
-20 minutes from Westmoreland
-3 minutes from Wheaton
-20 minutes from Frankfort
From Wheaton, head north on Wheaton Road for 3 miles. the property is on the east side of the road.