A unique hunting/recreational property with a prominent geologic feature (Nipple Peak), a wet weather creek, multiple ponds, lots of wildlife, two water wells, and a 2015 3 bed /2 bath manufactured home. This property was used extensively by early inhabitants as evidenced by numerous grinding mortars, numerous points, and tools found by the owner. Opportunities abound on this property which is conveniently located just 30 minutes north of San Angelo.
1198 Lometa Rd. Bronte, TX 76933
14 miles to Bronte, 28 miles to San Angelo, 55 miles to Sweetwater, 70 miles to Abilene, 115 miles to Midland, 165 miles to Lubbock, 225 miles to Ft. Worth, 230 miles to Austin, and 40 miles to the San Angelo Regional Airport
Land & Water
Starting at the south end of the property, one will find the prominent feature, Nipple Peak, which tops out at 2240 ft. One only needs to climb halfway up the peak to have tremendous views over the Colorado River Valley and Callahan Divide to the north. From Nipple Peak, the property slopes downward to the north with the low point being 1900 ft. in the channel of Live Oak Creek. This wet weather creek meanders across the property on the northern third. Two other tributaries cross the property and help supply four small ponds.
Along the west boundary, there is a small rise that was likely the site of an Indian camp. There are numerous grinding mortars and evidence of burned rock middens that early people would use to cook the food that was ground in the mortars. In and around this area, the owner has found many points and flakes. In some areas, the ground is littered with flakes and debitage from knapping. The owner has also found points on the side of Nipple Peak as well.
Wildlife observed on the property include whitetail deer, feral hogs, turkeys, dove, and even a badger. A few aoudad and axis deer have been observed over the years as well. The dominant tree species is Mesquite followed by Cedar, however the creek bottom hosts a few other desirable species such as Black Walnut, Hackberry, and Osage Orange. The shrub and forb layer is comprised of Whitebrush, Kidneywood, Catclaw Acacia, Lotebush, Green Briar, Texas Persimmon, Vine Ephedra, Agarita, Texas Sotol, Sacahuista, Allthorn, Tasajillo, Prickly Pear, and Prairie Tea. Grass species observed include Sideoats Grama, Hairy Grama, Little Bluestem, and Threeawn.
Improvements & Utilities
Centrally located on the property is a 2015 2200sq. ft. 3 bed/2 bath manufactured home. The home has 2x6 framing and is skirted with r-panel. There are two carports, a 3-bay pole barn, and a shop for extra parking and storage. The home is serviced by a water well with a 2500-gallon cistern for extra storage. There is an additional water well at the entrance that could be used to supplement a pond nearby.
The property is perimeter fenced in fair to good condition with one cross fence. There are three hunting blind locations with feeders which can be conveyed subject to negotiation.
Surface sale only, seller owns no minerals.
The property is qualified for the Agricultural Valuation. 2022 taxes were approximately $2200.00.
Basic necessities of a rural landowner can be found nearby in Bronte. All other needs including major retailers and medical care can be found 30 minutes away in San Angelo.
***Buyer Agents must make first contact and be present at all showings to participate in 50% commission split. If this condition is not met, Buyer Agent split is at sole discretion of Grand Land Company.
From San Angelo, take TX-208 north 21 miles, turn right on FM 2662 and go 3.5 miles, turn right on Lometa Rd., go 1.5 miles, property will be on right. Look for sign on gate.