City of LaBelle 2.25+/- acre site with city water and sewer line availability for your commercial and/or multi-family residential (or both) project! This tract boasts over 550+ feet on SR 80 Waka W Hickpocheeand is well-located on the south side of SR 80 on the direct route between Fort Myers and West Palm Beach! Property has a 24 curb cut with culvert on SR 80 so no turn-in or turn-out lanes will be required. Shape is an irregular triangle with the 550+/- SR 80 frontage being the longest dimension. See City of LaBelle Planner Alexis Crespo to help plan your project in this great location in between downtown and Wal-Marta location with the majority of traffic passing daily! A great location for a bank, financial, office location, and/or apartment complex. Excellent franchise locationbig enough for 2 fast food franchises or a large stand-alone restaurant/retailer. Future Land Use is Outlying Mixed Use designation which will require PUD approval. Only 1 mile west of Hendry County courthouse and State Road 29; 1+ mile east of Wal-Mart location; and 25+/- miles east of Fort Myers. POSSIBLE SELLER TERMS!
From downtown LaBelle, W on SR 80 to subject property on the left.