This is a legally registered, 20 acre gold and gem Mining Claim for sale, the Little Pine Creek #4 with Little Pine Creek running thru the whole claim for over 660 feet.
Just off the road is an open camping area by the creek.
This area has the feel of the Old West where the Cowboy Culture still lives on.
This is my last claim on Little Pine Creek and in Utah.
It is a good sign here that an experienced prospector has been working his claim for years just south of mine on the same road and creek.
Gold prices have reached an all time high of over $2500 per ounce.
On the claim we also found some nice specimens of topaz (the Utah state gem), and red beryl.
Great location!
Zion National Park is an hour Southeast, and Bryce Canyon National Park is 2 hours East,
And the Grand Canyon in AZ is less than 4 hours SE, all making for great day trips.
Camp in the open areas by the creek or at the Enterprise Reservoir Campground by the Upper Enterprise Reservoir just 3 miles away that has great fishing and water sports.
Located about 10 miles SW of the town of Enterprise, with all the necessities.
And about 50 miles North of the larger town of St. George.
See further down the listing the Buying Process and how to purchase my claim.
See with the pictures maps and satellite views.
Click on the top listing picture then arrow right to see all.
We feel we are selling more than the gold and minerals on beautiful land.
You would be acquiring an experience that will give you a good feel for what the old time prospectors must have felt during the days of the original Montana Gold Rush.
A mining claim is an affordable way to enjoy the beauty of the land combined with the adventure of panning for gold.
National Forests remained open at all times during the virus with a televised invitation by the Director for families to visit them as safe places for family recreation, making our mining claims some of the safest places for your family to enjoy and get away from all the nonsense.
The most important placer district in Utah is the Pinto district, which produced more than 75,000 ounces of placer gold. The placers in the Pinto district occurred in thick gravel deposits in Pinto Canyon and tributary drainages and were derived mostly from oxidized copper and lead-zinc-silver ores of Oligocene age.
Gold was discovered in Washington County sometime in the late 1800s and the area was being actively prospected by 1895. 40 lode claims and 1 placer claim were brought to patent as a result of the early work. The area was largely ignored until the mid-1970s when a search was begun for disseminated gold deposits of the type then being actively mined in central Nevada. This search was successful and led to the production of approximately 200,000 ounces of gold.
Rockhounding is more than just a hobby; it is a lifestyle.
Amateur and professional rock and fossil hunters in Utah enjoy some of the best rockhounding sites in the country.
Utahs rich geological history has left astounding deposits of rocks, minerals, fossils and gemstones across the state.
Popular finds include trilobites, gem quality topaz, red beryl, geodes and sun stones.
RockhoundinginUtahis pretty glorious: geodes, fossils, petrified wood. You name it, you can find it here.
Washington County is home to an impressive selection of attractions and experiences, making it well worth a visit.
Occupying a stretch of green beneath red rock cliffs, Washington County in SW Utah, offers pleasant winter weather that attracts many people eager to escape snowy climates. This scenic areas favorable climate provides year-round golf and tennis opportunities, as well as easy access to Zions National Park and Bryce Canyon.
To purchase my claim, the process would be, I would need your name(s) and mailing address, where I would scan and email you a signed contract.
Total price of $3500, paid in one full payment where your ownership is then transferred after receiving payment.
A $199 deed processing fee is paid with payment, total = $3699.
A signed contract will precede payment.
After receiving your payment, your ownership of the 20 acre claim will be legally recorded with the Utah Bureau of Land Management and the Washungton County Recorder.
I am a retired teacher, and got into prospecting as a hobby with my family.
I am 74 and my wife 71, and we have gained the experience to select the best areas to locate claims.
A mountain island surrounded by desert, Pine Valley Mountain Wilderness preserves numerous lush meadows (up to 50 acres in size) and a beautiful forest of Engelmann spruce in the south, and spruce mixed with fir, pine, and large stands of aspen in the north. The Pine Valley Mountains rise through the entire center of the area and provide habitat for chipmunks, marmots, red squirrels, and a large herd of deer in summer. Elevations rise to a high point at 10,365 feet on Signal Peak in the southern portion. On a clear day at this site, you can see Zion National Park across Interstate 15 to the west, and some of Arizona's highest mountains to the south. Several springs fill numerous perennial creeks.
Enterprise City is a rural farming community located in south west Utah. The area raises some of the best hay, corn and kids. With several nearby lakes, boating and fishing opportunities are easy to find. Enterprise is the kind of place that you like to call home and also like to come home to. The mountains also invite with their scenic beauty, atv and hiking trails, as well as some great hunting. At the end of August, Enterprise City hosts its annual Corn Fest, where the whole town turns out to celebrate small town life and the bounty that our local farmers produce.
St. George is southern Utah's largest city. It occupies an attractive stretch of green beneath red rock cliffs in Utah's desert southwest. Its pleasant winter weather attracts a large number of "snowbirds" from the north, who stay for extended periods in the winter while their neighbors back home get socked. ("Utah's summer spends the winter in St. George" its promoters say.)
St. George has some interesting historic buildings, lots of golf courses and plenty of shopping. The golf courses have been known to double as birdwatching destinations and birds unseen in most of Utah are everywhere in these trees. Downtown is home to the landmark St. George Tabernacle and the winter home of Brigham Young. The St. George Art Museum celebrates Utah-local artist and the sprawling Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum displays over 300 species in detailed dioramas.
Nearby is pretty Snow Canyon State Park (10 miles northwest) and the pleasant alpine wilderness of the Pine Valley Mountains (38 miles north). St. George also works as a base from which to visit Zion National Park (40 miles northeast). Recreational activities of a different sort are available at the casinos in Mesquite, Nevada (30 miles southwest). St. George has a wide selection of lodging and dining options.
Follow the paths where people have walked for thousands of years. Gaze up at massive sandstone cliffs of cream, pink, and red that soar into a brilliant blue sky. Experience wilderness in a narrow slot canyon. Zions unique array of plants and animals will enchant you as you absorb the rich history of the past and enjoy the excitement of present-day adventures.
Utahs first national Park, Zion offers hiking, camping, backpacking, climbing, and more, making it a popular summer vacation spot for families and adventurers.
Wind, water and time have eroded Bryce Canyon National Park's sandstone cliffs into otherworldly characters. Rows of humanoid pillars crosshatched by rock strata look almost intentional but perfectly surreal.
By far the most iconic section of the park, the Bryce Amphitheater is home to the greatest concentration of irregular rock spires (called "hoodoos") found anywhere on Earth. Viewpoints along the first 3 miles (4.8 km) of the main road provide access to views overlooking this area.
Bryce Canyon is a sanctuary for natural darkness. Bryce Canyon's skies areso dark, that in 2019 the park was designated as a Gold Tier International Dark Sky Park. Since the park is open 24 hours a day, whether you head off to a viewpoint yourself or join a night sky ranger program, we welcome you to the dark side!
If within one year you are not satisfied with your claim, you can trade for another comparable claim, just paying the BLM and County transfer fees which will be about $125.
Claim buyer will also receive a new, free, Gold Panning Kit:
One 14 inch Gold Trap pan; One 10.5 inch Gravity Trap pan, One combination sifter/classifier with 7/16 of an inch exit holes, One Gold Guzzler snuffer bottle, One Tweezers/ Magnifying Glass combo tool.
Mining Claims as an investment: if you purchase a claim from us, at no charge, I would help you if you ever decided to sell in the future.
Mining Claims are a great investment, as claims go up in value over time, just as land does.
Gold and gems discovered in our own prospecting along with the beauty of the area, makes for awesome camping and prospecting.
Owning a mining claim is having access to a lifetime of great family fun and recreation, in a very beautiful, natural setting.
This is a 20 acre unpatented, gold mining placer claim, the Little Pine Creek #4 with Little Pine Creek running all the way thru the claim, in the Pine Valley Mountains, and in the Dixie National Forest.
The claim is legally registered with the Utah Bureau of Land Management and the Washington County Recorder.
You own the mineral rights, not sharing with others, on the 20 acres, and use your 20 acres recreationally for camping and prospecting in an awesome, beautiful area.
For any building like a shed, you need to file a Plan of Operation with the BLM for approval. For anything to live in, you would need to file a Plan of Operation with the BLM for approval, and to be considered, you would need to have developed a full-time mining operation.
For the possibility of constructing any building you for others could live in, you need to file a Plan of Operation with the BLM for approval, showing you have developed a full-time operation performing diligent mining.
You do not need a plan, permission nor a permit to camp and prospect.
You do not need to be a full time prospector to file a Plan for a shed type structure.
With an approved BLM Plan of Operation, a building can be built on the land: any building that benefits and improves the claim.
As stated by the BLM, this can be the "construction of a building, road, fence, or enclosure necessary for mining."
Current usage, is what the BLM calls, Casual Use: panning, shovel, rock hammer, metal detector, creek powered sluice box, where no permission nor permit is needed to camp and prospect.
On our visits to the claim, we gathered in and around the creek, approx. 1/8 of an ounce of gold, being worth about $225. As the BLM does not specify the amount of gold to be found to locate a claim other than gold needs to be discovered, we use this amount for a 20 acre claim as a projection of good gold potential. Someone with more time may find more.
Gold prices are over $2500/ounce. Though we could never guarantee what you will find, we did locate this claim in an historically rich area for gold prospecting.
Gold in 2 years has gone up over $500 per ounce.
We also found some nice specimens of topaz (the Utah state gem), and red beryl on the claim.
You are allowed to post No Trespassing for Prospecting signs in and around the claim.
A mining claim owner may limit or restrict public recreational use of/or public access across claims or portions of claims that are actively used for prospecting, mining, or processing operations where public recreational use of a claim would endanger or materially interfere with legitimate mining pursuits.
Camp on your claim or area national forest campgrounds.
A claim owner does not need permission nor a permit to camp and prospect.
You can prospect as little or as much as you like.
Now that we have located the claim, you never have to declare to the BLM any gold or gems you find.
20 acres = parcel size of 660 ft. x 1320 ft.
This claim in this wonderful area has direct legal road access on a National Forest Road, with areas for camping, and gold and gems discovered in surface prospecting.
Dixie National Forest straddles the divide between the Great Basin and the Colorado River in southern Utah. Scenery ranges from desert canyon gorges of amber, rose, and sienna to high mountain forests, plateaus, and alpine lakes. The forest isa part of the world-renowned landscapes of Southern Utah, it provides a backdrop and serves as a gateway to surrounding National Parks and Monuments. Nationally recognized highways and trails course through the forest and provide ready access to the distinctive natural highlights of the forest landscape.The Dixie is known for its sceneryfrom red rock canyons to high mountain plateaus. Scenic byways are major roads through this splendor that are suitable for passenger vehicles.
heDixie National Forestoffers a variety of recreation opportunities all year round. With almost 2 million acres to explore, there are endless opportunities for your enjoyment, and relaxation. You can experience the solitude of hiking in the Wilderness, enjoy camping in developed campgrounds, or in the backcountry. The forest is also a prime location for fishing, hunting, horseback riding, mountain biking, OHV opportunities, and winter activities such as cross-country and downhill skiing. There are hundreds of miles of forest roads that offer sightseeing opportunities and access to beautiful country.
The Upper Enterprise Reservoirs lies within a pinyon-juniper forest surrounded by large volcanic tuff rocks. The reservoir is popular for fishing, boating, kayaking and canoeing, and wildlife viewing. Nearby opportunities include OHV riding, hiking, biking, horseback riding, campground camping and dispersed camping.
Upper Enterprise Reservoir is approximately 354 square acresin size .
Anglers can expect to find a variety of fish including Rainbow Trout and Smallmouth Bass in Upper Enterprise Reservoir.
A transfer of ownership is a sale of legal, exclusive ownership of a mining claim site.
To be a legally recorded claim, a valuable mineral had to be found on the claim, which was completed by us, as we are the original claim locators.
Your ownership is legally conveyed via a Quit Claim deed, and legally recorded with the Montana BLM and the Madison County Recorder. A Quit Claim deed is the required legal document per the BLM.
Each year, on or before September 1st, you need to file a form with the Bureau of Land Management, along with $200. You can also pay online with the BLM by credit card.
By doing this, you keep the claim forever.
I have paid the fee for this year, and is not due again until September 1st, 2025.
You must be a current US citizen with a US address to own a mining claim in the US.
An unpatented mining claim is a specific parcel of federal land, valuable for a specific mineral deposit or deposits. It is a parcel for which an individual has asserted a legal right of possession and the right to develop and extract a discovered, valuable, mineral deposit.
Mining claims are real property that you can buy, sell, or inherit.
After proving the existence of valuable minerals on the land, the claim is legally recorded with the Bureau of Land Management and Madison County.
The Little Pine Creek #4 is an unpatented, gold placer mining claim, ideally situated on Pinto Creek, surrounded by beautiful Rocky Mountain ranges.
Your 20 acres is the South 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 37 South, Range 18 West, Salt Lake Meridian, known as the Little Pine Creek #4 mining claim.
BLM claim number: UT106330319
Driving Directions:
About 10 miles SW of the town of Enterprise.
Take UT-219 West out of Enterprise
Then take a left/South onto S Enterprise Reservoir Road, also known as Road 006,
Then using GPS coordinates below to the claim.
GPS Coordinates:
Little Pine Creek #4
NW 37.5330, -113.8509
NE 37.5330, -113.8464
SW 37.5312, -113.8509
SE 37.5312, -113.8464
The claim location monument has a 4 foot wooden post near the river, with copy of Location Notice attached, as required by the State of Montana.
The creek on the claim is a unique advantage for gold prospecting.
Gold always occurs in gravels in the metallic state and when so found has various physical characteristics. Gold is dense and heavy, it has a characteristic metallic color, and it is soft and easily malleable (it is easily formed by hammering). These are the characteristics used by prospectors to identify gold in the field.
Placer gold occurs on the claim as small grains derived from gossan formed by weathering, and oxidation of the gold, copper and iron rich veins. Gold also occurs as grains flakes and small nuggets derived from the erosion of mineralized fault zones on, and upstream from the claim.
Additional Features:
Year round Little Pine Creek on the claim for panning.
Fishing in the creek and area lakes.
Beautiful Rock specimens for you Rock Hounds
Located in one of the most beautiful mountain areas in the US.
The Federal Government owns the land.
You are purchasing the mineral rights.
You own the mineral rights, including gold and gems on the claim, as real property, being the same legal ownership as for land and homes.
Prospect, explore, on the whole 20 acres.
You can camp on a claim while prospecting.
To purchase my claim, the process would be, I would need your name(s) and mailing address, where I would scan and email you a signed contract.
Total price of $3500, paid in one full payment where your ownership is then transferred after receiving payment.
A $199 deed processing fee is paid with payment, total = $3699.
A signed contract will precede payment.
After receiving your payment, your ownership of the 20 acre claim will be legally recorded with the Utah Bureau of Land Management and the Washington County Recorder. The quit claim deed is the correct document to be recorded for a mining claim, as stated by the BLM.
This is not a sharing with others of your 20 acre claim.
We live in Ohio. Our connection to the West is our daughter lives in Denver, though she is not involved with our claims. We visited her in September, then went to prospect and locate mining claims in other states, including Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and now also in Utah, Idaho, and Nevada, as we have been doing for a number of years.
And just a note of encouragement for you if purchase:
My wife and I have located, prospected on, and sold mining claims in
California, Colorado, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and now also in Utah, Idaho, and Nevada for over 25 years.
You can trust we will process your notarized deeds correctly and quickly.
In that mining claims are processed thru the Bureau of Land Management, a Federal Govt. agency, not following thru per our legally signed contract, would be a federal crime. I certainly will do what I say, and would never put myself nor my wife in any legal jeopardy.
Also, we have sold properties on 3 sites online for over 25 years:
Landwatch, Landcom, and LandandFarm.
Our continued good status on these sites is due to our always following thru, as just one time we would not, we would not be allowed to sell on these sites ever again.
"Living in Colorado, the purchase of our mining claim from you has been great for family fun and recreation. We have camped overnight a number of times, and panned for gold in the creek. We were even able to find gold flakes on several of our attempts. Thank you so much!."
I'm looking forward to having some time on the mining claim.
We used to go camping 4-6 weeks out of the year.
Even though I realize this is a retirement business for you. I wanted to say thank you for giving so many people over the years the opportunity to purchase your claims. I've seen them available for a long time, but never had the opportunity to purchase anything. They have probably brought many smiles to so many people. It will be the same for us.
"We purchased 2 mining claims from Michael Leu over the last 2 years, one in Montana, and one In Colorado. We have been to our claims on several occasions, and we could not be happier! They are exactly as described, and our camping on our claims and prospecting in the creek on each claim is the highlight of our vacations. You can trust Mr. Leu. If you are looking for a great time in the awesome beauty of the west, buying a mining claim from Mr. Leu will be a blessing."
Driving Directions:
About 10 miles SW of the town of Enterprise.
Take UT-219 West out of Enterprise
Then take a left/South onto S Enterprise Reservoir Road, also known as Road 006,
Then using GPS coordinates below to the claim.
GPS Coordinates:
Little Pine Creek #4
NW 37.5330, -113.8509
NE 37.5330, -113.8464
SW 37.5312, -113.8509
SE 37.5312, -113.8464