Location 7 Miles South of Mayo, Florida and 45 miles east of Perry, Florida and the 40 miles north of Steinhatchee, Gulf of Mexico with full service marina and public boat facilities.
This property has been managed as a commercial timber forest in an extremely competitive markets for all wood products within close proximity to numerous mills. The tract is mixed with planted pine, cutover and hardwood hammocks and forested drains. This property is well suited for a combination of timber, cattle, hunting and/or homesites.
Region Lower Coastal Plain, Topography Level (Flatwoods)
Wildlife: This land provides an ideal habitat for many species of wildlife. A combination of food, water, cover and edge creates a perfect potential for hunting Deer, Turkey and Hogs.
Access: County maintain unpaved road frontage and interior woods road access.
Zoning: Agriculture
Location 7 Miles South of Mayo, Florida and 45 miles east of Perry, Florida