This property consists of 225.0 +/- total acres in 1 tract.
166.0 +/- Tillable Farmland
62.0 +/- Timber, Riparian land and River
Location The property is located in Lee County, Arkansas, which is in the States east central region.
Tract 1 coordinates: 3448'05.2"N, 9036'27.6"W, which lies 3 miles south of Brickeys, Arkansas
Address: Brickeys, Arkansas
o Hughes, AR: 17+/- miles
o Marianna, AR: 14+/- miles
o Memphis, TN 53 +/- miles
o Little Rock, AR 112 +/- miles
Access The property has access via county-maintained roads:
The Landscape This property consists of 166.0 +/- acres of cropland that currently produces cotton and other row crops. The remaining acreage is mixed-age hardwood timber, parking areas, drainage ditches and the St. Francis river.
Wildlife and Hunting The woods on the property offer outstanding duck and deer hunting. There is approximately 1 mile of St Francis River frontage on the property
Water Resources This property has one irrigation well and 1 irrigation pivot.
Income Streams This property is currently farmer owned for the 2024 crop year. Additional income could also be generated from a yearly hunting lease.
Mineral Rights All mineral rights will be conveyed.
Real Estate Taxes $1,112.00 (source: Lee County Assessor)
Offering Price $1,350,000 (approx. $6,000.00 per acre) Acreage will be determined by a seller furnished survey.
Contact Clay Medford of Myers Cobb Realtors: qualified buyers should contact Clay at 501-517-1531 regarding questions or schedule a property tour. More pictures coming soon.
From the Hwy 79 and Hwy 131 Junction in Brickeys travel south on Hwy 131 approximately 3 miles to County Road 519. Turn South on County Rd 519 and go 2 miles to County Rd 500. Turn right a field road and go .5 miles to the property.