"Motivated Seller with a needed closing date" Unique Cove lot within Soldier Summit Estates.
This unique lot is a cove nestled into land next to Pine Trees and Quaking Aspens.
The western portion of lot has a unique setting next Snowbird Dr where sage and brush are next to other side of Pines tree from the cove.
Slight slope to hill slope... both are easy to walk.
Water, Power and Phone lines are stubbed to lot.
Privacy and open space with this unique and exclusive Soldier Summit Estates Lot.
Corner t-post markers with Heritage Partners lot C31 sign are on both corner t-post next to roads.
Buyer to verify boundaries and square footage.
Land is close to Scofield lake with miles of ATV and Horse trails to the north leading to Strawberry.
From I-15 and Hwy 6 overpass in Spanish Fork... drive east roughly 37 miles to mile marker 210. Just past mile marker
210...make your right onto Soldier Summit road access. Follow this road over RR tracks to gate. Enter Code provided. From gate
drive up to the T in the road gradually making your right onto Alta Drive, then left onto Snowbird Dr. (During the winter plowing
months, you will need to take your 2nd left onto Sundance Dr then next right onto Snowbird Dr.) Follow Snowbird Dr up to lot
C31 on your second left at intersection of Snowbird, Solitude and Brighton Circle. LOT GOOGLE PIN: 39.913603, -111.104847.