Hague Road Equine Ranch is a wonderful, pleasure horse facility that affords a great lifestyle for the equine enthusiast with verdant introduced and native grass pasture. Offering beautiful scenery, the 21.8 acre HAGUE ROAD EQUINE RANCH is nestled in the Weiser River basin in Washington County between Weiser and Cambridge, Idaho. The home is a masterpiece and the horse facilities are ideal for training and tuning up your riding. Views of its neighboring snow-capped mountain ranges are breath-taking. The fertile, lush, valley-bottom pastures and mountain grasses that provide spring-to-fall grazing makes Washington County good cow country. Also evident is that this county is a hunters paradise with magnificent mule deer, elk, black bear, turkey, pheasant, upland bird and even antelope. An excellent ranch for horseman, sportsman & family! An incredible place to call home.
From Midvale, ID head north on Hwy 95 2 miles; turn left/west onto Hague Road, continue a few hundred yards to ranch.