Virtual Online Auction
Sale Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Sale Time: 1:00 PM CST
Sellers: Kim L. & Melissa L. Ostrander
Location: Make plans now to participate in this upcoming Wapello County, IA real estate auction. This tract offers productive tillable farmland and includes Nevin and Nodaway soils with a CSR2 of 86. Land is located in Section 6, Keokuk Township and Section 31, Center Township, Wapello County, IA. This parcel is conveniently located just off of Hwy. 63 on the south edge of Ottumwa, IA.
Representing Attorney:
Rick L. Lynch
Lynch Law Office
207 S. Washington Street
Bloomfield, IA 52537
(641) 664-3188
Auction Manager:
John Probasco (641) 856-7355
FSA information indicates 24.43 acres of Farmland. The balance of the farm is a small draw of timber with a waterway.
Productive Nevin and Nodaway soils.
CSR2 of 86 is on the entire tract.
Access is on the east by Rabbit Run Rd.
The Ostrander farm will be sold on a price per acre basis based on a deeded and advertised acres. Bidding is NOT contingent upon financing, an appraisal or inspection.
Ten (10%) percent of the bid price to be due on the day of the sale with the balance due in approximately 30 days, on or before Thursday, April 24, 2025 upon delivery of a merchantable abstract and deed. At the conclusion of the auction, the successful bidder(s) shall enter into a written agreement with the seller. Signing of said agreement will be executed via email, DocuSign, or in person. The real estate taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Full possession will be given at the time of closing. The farm will sell free & clear for the 2025 crop year.
The information in this brochure is believed to be accurate; however, no liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed. All lines drawn on maps, photographs, etc. are approximate. The Buyer acknowledges that they have carefully and thoroughly inspected the real estate and are familiar with the premises. The Buyer is buying this real estate in its as is condition and there are no expressed or implied warranties pertaining to the real estate. All announcements sale day shall take precedence over any prior advertising either written or oral.