UNDER CONTRACT Property: 252.62 acres located in Sharkey County, Mississippi, north of highway 14 along Alligator Road. The farm is entirely cultivated and irrigated by center pivot and land formed furrow irrigation. There is paved road frontage, electric power, and easy access to highway 14 for grain transportation. The soil capabilities of the farm are suitable for cotton and soybeans. The farm is well drained by a large canal along the western border, steel water control structures are in place, with capabilities to prevent surface erosion as well impound water for hunting. The property is in a prime waterfowl flyway and has the topography features that would be suitable for conservation restoration.
Primary Soils: Sharkey and Alligator Clay see attached soil map.
1250-foot center pivot powered by a shaft driven well, watering 160 acres
60hp ground water well
56 acres land formed w/furrow irrigation.
Crop Base: 226.47 crop base acres, see attached 156ez.
$50,525.00 annual income ($200 per crop acre)
$6,000.00 estimated income for hunting rental
3.76% annualized gross cash return.
NCREIF 2023 farmland four quarter rolling index appreciation delta states 9.3%
Combined total return: 13.0%