Located: From Bloomington, 4 miles northwest on Ridge Road.
Legal Description: Northwest 1/4 of Section 12, Township 2 North, Range 16 and Part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 1, Township 2 North, Range 16
West of the 6th PM Franklin County, Nebraska
About the Property: 255.2 acres +/- combination farm. There is 58.44 acres of dry land crop ground with mostly class 2 soils. There is 194.53 acres of hard land pasture. The property has an electric submersible well with underground pipe feeding a stock tank in the middle of the pasture. The dry crop land is fenced off from the pastures. Access to the property is via a private driveway from Ridge Road. There are two dams on the property.
2019 Taxes: $5,042.44
Price: $410,000
From Bloomington, 1/4 mile west to Ridge Road. Then 4 miles north on Ridge Road.