This is a very manageable size of acreage in a very attractive area with big views to the south. Utilities are available to create your own showplace. Access is right off the highway but the back side of the property is far enough from it to provide privacy. Wildlife is common in the area for your viewing and interactive enjoyment. Currently in agricultural production. Less than 20 minute drive to the Taylor County Expo, Abilene Zoo, and Dodge Jones Sports Complex. Clyde CISD.
Some deed restrictions apply: No shooting rifles for hunting or target practice. No deer hunting No commercial pig operations. Show animals are allowed All structures must be built 100 feet from property boundary line. No dairy cow operations. No trailer houses or manufactured homes. No trash pits. All exterior fences must be barbed wire, slick wire, mesh wire or rail fencing. No chainlink exterior fences.
.33 miles east from Hwy 36 and FM 604 intersection. North side of Highway 36.