Land Auction Selling in 2 Tracts
Auction Date: Thursday, April 17th - 10 A.M.
You will have the opportunity to bid on Tracts 1 or 2 individually and then as a whole
Tract 1 150 Ac. of Productive Farmland
Easy Access to Property
1998 Valley 7 Tower Center Pivot (Valley Select Control Panel)
NW Corner Well/Pivot point & 200 GMP submersible pump
Main Well 600 GPM pump
320 Ac./Ft. Water Rights
Begin Farming Operations Immediately
Legal Description: Northwest Quarter (NW/4), Section Thirty-Three (Sec. 33), Township Nine North
(T09N), Range Thirteen West (R13W), Indian Meridian, Caddo County, Oklahoma. Surface rights only.
FSA Information: Farmland 155.87 Ac. Cropland 144.37 Ac.
Tract 2 Farmhouse, Barns & Improvements on 10 Ac.
Open House - Thursday, April 10, 2025 5-8 p.m.
Approx. 1,800 Sq. Ft.
3 Bed
2 Bath
Recently Updated
Gravel Driveways
Building 1 - 32 x 40 Garage Concrete Floor OH Door, Walk-Thru Door
Building 2 - 50 x 200 x 16 Metal Insulated Concrete Floor Gas Heater Power
1) 12 x 12 OH Door, 2) 14 x 24 Slide Doors, 1) 10 x 12 OH Door, 1) 14 x 14 OH Door
Buildings 3, 4, 5 - 32 x 54 Underground Storage Concrete Block Walls Concrete Floor
Building 4 Has Electrical Power Building 5 Has Electrical Power & A/C
Building 6 - 30 x 50 Concrete Block Walls Concrete Floor Elect. Power 22 x 50 Lean To
Building 7 - 54 x 108 14 Morton Wood Frame Concrete Floor Power Insulated 2) 24 Sliding Doors
Building 8 - 42 x 72 x 14 Morton Power Heat Restrooms Corner Office w/H/A 12 x 12 Sliding Door
Building 9 - 50 x 100 x 14 Holman Metal Concrete Floor Elect. Power 2) 14 Sliding Doors Walk-Thru
From Highway 152 & Hwy. 58 Carnegie Y, 5 Miles South on Hwy. 58, 1 Mile East on E 1240 Rd. From Alfalfa, OK, 1 Mile East on E 1240 RD. From Carnegie, OK, 8 Miles North on Hwy 58, 1 Mile East on E 1240 Rd.