Auction308.41 Acres
Auction308.41 Acres

Holloway, MN 56249 - Swift County

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Property ID 22245252

Auction Information

Marysland Township Farmland
495 120th Ave SW, Holloway, MN
01/20/2025, 10:00 AM
Online Bidding SiteExternal Link

308.41 acres in Swift County, Minnesota

Legal Descriptions

Lot #1

The East Half of Section Twenty-nine (29) Township One Hundred Twenty-one (121), Range Forty-one (41) lying North of the Northerly line of the railroad right of way, as described in Book 12 of Deeds, page 333, on file in the office of the Swift County Recorder.

PRCL #13-0149-100

Lot #2

The East Half of Section Twenty-nine (29) Township One Hundred Twenty-one (121), Range Forty-one (41) lying South of the Southerly line of the railroad right of way, as described in Book 12 of Deeds, page 333, on file in the office of the Swift County Recorder. EXCEPT That part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township One Hundred Twenty-one (121) North, Range Forty-one (41) West, Swift County , Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Section Twenty-nine (29); thence North 333 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described, thence West 663 feet; thence North 401 feet; thence East 663 feet; thence South 401 feet to the point of beginning.

PRCL #13-0149-000.

Land Breakdown:

Lot #1

143.44 Deeded Acres with 141.67 Currently Tillable (+-). Soil CPI of 57.0. Predominately Shakopee Silty Clay Soils. Property includes county drainage tile and access to an open county drainage ditch (across the township road to the north).

Lot #2

164.97 Deeded Acres with 160.71 Currently Tillable (+-). Soil CPI of 54.3. Predominately Shakopee Silty Clay Soils. Property includes county drainage tile.


From Danvers, MN 4 miles West on US Hwy 12, then 1 mile South on 120th Ave SW. Property is on the west (right) side of the road. Watch for Hughes Real Estate signs.

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Auction Website
Contact Seller
Hughes Real Estate and Auction Service LLC

Benson, MN

(320) 322-8459
Listing provided by
Jesse Hughes
Hughes Real Estate and Auction Service LLC(320) 322-8459
Source: MLS# 6639739
Listing last updated: March 11, 2025 at 2:37 PM
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