About: This farm features 322 acres more or less according to the Furnas County Assessor. Located approximately 7 miles south of Cambridge on HWY 47 and 1 mile west on Road 714. This farm features a combination of dry cropland and pasture that is fenced separately. There are approximately 171 acres of dry cropland which consist of mostly Class 2 rated Holdrege Silt Loam soil which are very productive. The balance or approximately 147 acres are hard land pasture. There is a near new solar powered electric submersible well which feeds two stock tanks, along with a working windmill on this land.
Access is from County Road 714 along the south boundary of the property.
This land was formerly in a CRP contract, but has been removed.
Possession is available for the 2022 crop year.
2021 Real Estate Taxes: $4,967.60
Legal Description: South of the Section 31, Township 3 North, Range 25 West of the 6th PM Furnas County, Nebraska
Price & Terms: $720,000 with 5% earnest deposit
From Cambridge, 7 miles south on Hwy 47 and 1 mile west on County Road 714.