ESCAPE TO YOUR OWN SPECIAL PLACE: Just off of a quiet country road with 14.4 acres and a circa 1934 farmhouse. Look over the pasture from your own red barn where a well-used two-seater swing still hangs just rocking in the breeze. The swing is lonely now it is waiting for your family and the generation that follow to have a chance to feel the breeze and the quiet serenity at this hilltop perch. As you drive up from Hobe Road a partially paved driveway easement adjacent to the Church, a perpetual easement, brings you to the top of the hill. At the summit a beautiful pasture to the left and to the right you catch a glimpse of a well-loved family home with a circle drive and beautiful magnolia tree. Don’t miss you chance for a GREAT ESCAPE you absolutely do not want to miss this ONE.