Location: Just Southeast of Chillicothe, MO.
Sellers: Mann Farmland LLC
Short Legal: Twn57N, Rng23W, Sec 23 and 26.
List Price: TBD
Legal Description: Available upon request.
Total Acres: 387.88+/-
Tax Acres: 387.88+/-
Taxes: $1373.09 2023 Tax Year
Levee Information: Levee is a private levee.
FSA Information:
Total Acres 379.95+/-
FSA Cropland Acres 358.01+/-
Effective DCP Cropland 358.01+/-
Corn Base Acres = 128.39+/-
Soybean Base Acres = 147.59+/-
Grain Sorghum = 52.22+/-
Total Base Acres = 328.20+/-
Soils: Soils mostly comprised of Dockery silt loam, Carlow silty clay, and Zook silty clay loam. Soil maps available.
Possession: Farm is leased with the current lease expiring on February 28, 2025.
Closing Date: February 28th, 2025.
Description: Located in Livingston County Missouri, near Chillicothe, this farm offers quality Grand River Bottom Row Crop. Farm is highly tillable and has good access for farming. There is no lease in place for the 2025 crop year. New owner will have ability to farm or place their own tenant on the farm. Here is a perfect opportunity to add acres to your operation or invest in Quality Missouri Farmland.
Directions: From Chillicothe, MO, East on Hwy 36 app 6 miles to intersection of 36 Hwy and County Road 261. Then South app 2.5 miles on County Road 261 to farm.