Online Only Auction 40 + or Acres Clark County, IL (Casey, IL)
Monday Dec 2nd 1:00pm Prime Clark County Farmland~
40 + or Acres, 37.63 + or - Tillable Acres, Farming Rights Granted at closing. Located in Section 29, Casey Township, Casey IL Township 10N Range 14W. Parcel #03-11-29-00-200-003.
Clark County, Illinois (IL023)
Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Percent of AOI
2A Cisne silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 58.4%
3A Hoyleton silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 0.3%
13B2 Bluford silt loam, 2 to 5 percent slopes, eroded 6.7%
991A Cisne-Huey silt loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes 34.7%
Totals for Area of Interest 100.0%
By the acre: Final Bid Price x 40
Seller: Casey State Bank
Real Estate is sold As Is. 10% down sale remainder due at closing approx. 30 days. Property will be sold in a manner resulting in the highest sale price subjection to seller confirmation. Maps, borders, on brochures, websites and markers in the field are estimates and are simply to be used as guidelines. Schmid Auction is not responsible for accidents. Bidding will be by the acre. An acre price will not be put in the purchase agreement. A total tract price will be put in the purchase agreement, and it will not change for any reason including future surveys.