This 471 acre tract contains four small lakes, 3 1/2 miles of interior roads, endless rolling hills, beautiful timber and access to thousands of acres of Washburn County forest land. Recreation opportunities are abundant here, go for a walk in the morning with your dog and flush a few grouse, then spend the afternoon catching panfish in Rock Lake with your favorite people, then watch the sunset over the hills while sitting on the deck of your future dream house. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire a large tract of undeveloped forest land within a few miles of a community like Birchwood. The current owner has proudly agreed to allow Birchwood schools to use this property as their school forest, where students learn cross country skiing, compass work, tree identification and many other natural sciences. There is no obligation to continue this partnership, however if philanthropy is part of your goals, this relationship can continue. The land is enrolled in the MFL.
From Birchwood travel north on CTH D for 1 mile, then take right on County Highway T. Travel 2.2 miles on County Highway T and the sign will be on your right.