10 UNRESTRICTED acres in Marbury! Priced to sell quickly. Own your own piece of paradise where peace and tranquility is easily obtained. There is a great building site at the front of the property and a nice little creek toward the back. The best thing is, it was once timber land and has been cut and cleared. You can shape this property any way you want- use it for recreational purposes, build your dream home, have goats and chickens, limited only by your imagination! Ther driveway access that is currently there belongs to the neighbor. You will have to put in your own driveway from County Road 20. County Road 20 E will be on the right BEFORE you reach Marbury post office if you are on Hwy 31 N (if you were coming from Prattville or Wetumpka) Land is on the right. Tax maps still show the parcel belonging to a timber company. It is part of a larger piece that was split.
take Hwy 143 / turn right onto County Road 20 E/ go approx 2 miles- land is on right. 490 is an estimated address- not the official 911 address