TERRAIN: The terrain is gently sloping country and is easily accessed to all areas by 2-wheel drive vehicle or ATV.
VEGETATION: The ranch is covered with highly desirable grasses including curly mesquite, buffalo grass, and sideoats gramma. The land is covered with live oak mottes, elm trees and scattered cedar brush. Texas Persimmon, agarita, and prickly pear dot the landscape.
COMMENT: The property borders the north end of the quaint little township of Barksdale. Barksdale is the last settlement in the upper Nueces River Basin and is the jumping off place to one of five most desirable motor cycle routes in the world. The triangular shape and the proximity of the property lend itself to commercial development.
There is a commercial propane tank located on the southern end of the property that currently generates $2,000 lease revenue per year. Pedernales Electric Coop has an easement located in the northwest corner of the property. Remnants of al old drive-in movie theatre are located in the northwest corner of the property.
There are no restrictive covenants on the property.
WATER: Water is supplied by Barksdale Water Corporation by a pipe line that runs from the south end of the land through the north end of the ranch.
HUNTING: Four deer have been harvested in the past twelve years.
RESERVATIONS: Seller will keep all livestock panels, head gate, and reserves an easement along the water line for repair and maintenance.
MINERALS: Unknown-The Seller will convey all minerals interest owned.
FENCES: The property is enclosed with low net wire fence that is in good condition. There is one small trap with water trough and pens.
TAXES: $42 per year with 1-d-1 Ag use valuation
METHOD OF SALE: The Seller prefers to sell the entire 60 acre tract as one unit. However, they would consider selling 10 ac., 20 ac., or 40 ac..
The property is located at the intersection of State Highway 55 and RR 335, in Barksdale. There is approximately 3500 feet of frontage on State Highway 55 and about 2000 feet of frontage in Highway RR 335.