Fish Family Farm consists of 642.46 acres located in the Wells Bayou community in Lincoln County, Arkansas. The property offers both an agricultural and recreational investment opportunity. The Farm Service Agency reports a total of 376.32 tillable acres with a light soil complex. All of the tillable acreage is irrigated with three (3) irrigation wells and one (1) re-lift located in Bayou Bartholomew. Additionally, the property is located in a strong aquifer area. The farm is accessible via Cantrell Road, off Johnny Branch Road.
There is frontage along both Bayou Bartholomew and Flat Creek, as well as an internal old growth brake that is stocked with cypress, black gum, and water tupelo. All of these features boost the tracts recreational opportunities, which consist of deer, duck, hog, and turkey hunting.
642.46 acres
- 376.32 tillable acres (per FSA field maps)
- 266.14 acres of bayou, creek, woods, etc. (per Land ID)
Efficiency: 70.72%
Real Estate Taxes: $4,351.62 (estimated)
Mileage Chart
- Dumas, AR 16 Miles
- Monticello, AR 23 Miles
- Pine Bluff, AR 44 Miles
- Greenville, MS 78 Miles
- Monroe, LA 110 Miles