Turn-key, fully-planted, owner-operated, mature-bearing walnut orchard featuring prime soils with developed groundwater resources with district water available too. The property is encumbered by a farmland conservation easement which prohibits subdivision and building a single-family residence. Comprised of Class 1 and 2 sandy to clay loams. These soils are well drained and have scant production limitations and are ideal for permanent plantings like walnuts. Currently the walnuts rely upon a shallow 8" steel-cased well w/electric submersible motor. The well was completed in 1999 to a depth of 139 ft. Plus the farm is within Solano Irrigation District (SID) water service turnout off Byrnes Canal at SWC of the property. District water is not connected to the irrigation system. Orchard is drip irrigated using double surface drip lines.
Variety of walnuts are Howard with paradox and black-walnut rootstocks and oriented on N-S rows with 13'x 20' spacing. Orchard was planted in phases and the average age is 11 yrs. old.
The farm is situated about one-mile E. of Vacaville, CA in Solano County. The property fronts the west side of Byrnes Road, a paved, county-maintained road, providing excellent vehicular access to the farm. Hawkins Road is the nearest cross road, about 1 mile to the South. From eastbound I-80 take Weber Rd. and turn R. on Byrnes Rd. and proceed about 2 miles to the property.